
2kg dark plums (Black Doris are good), either fresh or tinned
2kg preserving sugar

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1.Wash the plums (if fresh) and remove any stems, if necessary.
2.Put the fruit in a large, stainless-steel saucepan with 2 tablespoons of water and heat gently.
3.Stir at intervals until the fruit starts to break down.
4.When the mix is liquid, add the sugar and stir until dissolved.
5.Let it simmer until it thickens and the temperature reaches 105 °C/220°F, approximately 20-30 minutes.
6.The mixture should be stirred every 5 minutes so it doesn’t burn at the bottom of the pan. Let it cool completely.
7.Put a colander in a large bowl and pour in the jam, pressing to separate the plum stones from the pulp.
8.Discard the stones. Set the jam aside until needed.
9.Any extra jam can be stored in sterilised jars.

Recipes & food styling Laura Greenfield / Photography Amber-Jayne Bain

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